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BUYO selected into NEX COP28 Climate Tech Startup Accelerator


At COP21 in 2015, the world agreed to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2050. To remain on target, science tells us that emissions must be halved by 2030. We only have another seven years to meet that goal. COP28 UAE is a prime opportunity to rethink, reboot, and refocus the climate agenda.

Working with the UNFCCC Executive Secretary alongside the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion and the UAE Youth Climate Champion, I will strive to build consensus amongst parties to drive climate action. Together, we will prioritize efforts to accelerate emissions reductions through a pragmatic energy transition, reform land use, and transform food systems. We will work to mobilize solutions for vulnerable countries, operationalize loss and damage, and deliver the most inclusive Conference possible.

BUYO is honored to be selected into the global NEX COP28 Climate Tech Startup Accelerator program co-hosted by COP28 UAE and New Energy Nexus. NEX COP28 is a unique program leading up to COP28 for climate tech startups to build capability and access to commercial opportunities. BUYO offers bioplastic solutions to reduce carbon footprints by using nature-based bio-process, saving energy and bringing bio-waste back into the circular economy. 
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